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November 18, 2022
Compromise is the perfect solution to flexible working requests

A Cheshire-based employment law specialist believes compromise is the ideal solution to flexible working requests. The goalposts shifted considerably during the coronavirus pandemic with almost half of adults working from home. According to data from the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN), more than eight in 10 workers who had to do their job from home […]

November 8, 2022
Ageing population highlights importance of writing a will

A Cheshire-based wills and probate solicitor thinks that there is no time like the present for getting your affairs in order and writing a will with the age of the population on the rise. Recently released figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) revealed that the number of people in England and Wales aged […]

November 2, 2022
Family solicitor Lauren celebrates anniversary with step towards key accreditation

Lauren Soutar marked her one-year anniversary at Watsons Solicitors by taking a significant step closer to acquiring the Law Society’s Children Law Accreditation. Tuesday 18 October was exactly one-year since Lauren joined the Warrington-based firm as a family lawyer. By the time that date came around, Lauren had undertaken the Children Law scheme’s mandatory three-day […]

Watsons Solicitors

Watsons Solicitors is a trading name of Watsons Solicitors Warrington LLP a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England and Wales registered number OC386012 whose registered office is 13 Bold Street, Warrington, WA1 1DJ.

Watsons Solicitors Warrington LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority number 598547.

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