Warrington Solicitors

Watsons are a leading firm of solicitors in Warrington, right in the heart of the town centre.

Having been in existence for more than 60 years we have understood the need to adapt to the demands of our clients, provide a refreshing approach and ensuring that we have the experience to provide the right advice.

We always strive to provide outstanding client service and our Law Society Lexcel accreditation is a recognition of this.

About a leading firm of solicitors in Warrington

During our lives there will be a variety of legal queries that people need assistance with and at Watsons we will try and deal with them all. If for any reason we cannot deal with your query then we will be able to connect you with the right lawyer, whatever your problem.

We will provide you with simple advice so that you will understand what is sometimes a complicated and confusing process. We are here to help you.

The costs of any advice will be agreed with you at outset so you know very clearly how much things will cost. You also have (in certain circumstances) the ability to pay monthly so that you can budget your finances accordingly.

The Partners in Watsons oversee all areas of work and ensure that you get the best possible service and advice consistently across the firm.

We work hard to ensure that we can respond to your queries with our town centre offices opening from Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, and our emails and phone lines are monitored during the same period.

For whatever life’s journey throws at you, depend on Watsons to provide the right legal advice.

We have expertise in many areas including employment law, settlement agreements, family lawdivorce law and conveyancing. Check out our full list of services or contact us today.


What our clients say...

“Solicitor was very helpful and informative at all times. Only used service for Will but would recommend Watsons for all matter of services. Recommended by my son who has used Watsons in the past."
“Had no issues with the dealings we have had in the past. Very helpful and local. My parents were with you in the past. Very easy to talk to and contact."
“Treated with respect by all. Kind helpful staff on Reception. Easy to get answers to any concerns. Very positive experience. Very efficient."

How to get in touch with us

Watsons Solicitors

Watsons Solicitors is a trading name of Watsons Solicitors Warrington LLP a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England and Wales registered number OC386012 whose registered office is 13 Bold Street, Warrington, WA1 1DJ.

Watsons Solicitors Warrington LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority number 598547.

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