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November 1, 2023
Business is booming in the property department at Watsons Solicitors

Watsons Solicitors is bucking the trend with business booming and recruitment on the agenda for its property department. The Cheshire-based firm’s conveyancing division is growing because it remains “incredibly busy” despite a decline in the number of UK homes being sold in 2023, according to Zoopla. With the costs of mortgages soaring, sales are expected […]

October 25, 2023
Busy property department receives glowing reviews of work

Watsons Solicitors’ property department remains “incredibly busy” – and it’s not difficult to see why after some glowing testimonials. The Warrington-based firm has avoided a downturn in activity despite soaring mortgage rates and the cost-of-living crisis thanks to a reputation built on years of high-quality conveyancing. An insight into the service provided by Watsons and […]

October 18, 2023
Mediation process can be smoothed out by expert advice

A Cheshire-based family law solicitor believes it is essential to obtain expert advice as early as possible if mediation is to work effectively and a disputed divorce avoided. Actress Sophie Turner and her singer ex-husband Joe Jonas have publicly announced “a productive and successful” negotiation process that will see their children spend time equally in both […]

October 5, 2023
Employment law feedback is testament to impressive work

“There’s no disputing the value placed on a testimonial.” Those are the words of Danny Hudson, partner and a member of the family department at Warrington-based Watsons Solicitors. Situated in the heart of the town, the law firm, which has stood for more than 65 years, is no stranger to receiving written praise for the […]

September 26, 2023
Watsons partners take Warrington Running Festival in their stride

Watsons Solicitors partners Alex Mitchell and Chris Illingworth both put their best foot forward – over and over again – as they competed at the 2023 Warrington Running Festival. With their law firm sponsoring the world’s first free to enter, chip-timed, closed road route, Alex took part in the 10km race with Chris participating in […]

August 29, 2023
Watsons partners step up to support key Warrington fundraising event

Watsons Solicitors partners Alex Mitchell and Chris Illingworth got a taste of the ups and downs of Tom Kearney’s 12-hour Hope 100 charity challenge. The duo joined the organiser, who spent half a day continuously walking every step of all four stands in the Halliwell Jones Stadium, home of Warrington Wolves, exactly one month before […]

July 13, 2023
Watsons determined to keep giving back to Warrington community

Warrington-based Watsons Solicitors’ unwavering support for the health and wellbeing of the local community shows no signs of slowing down. Situated in the heart of the town, the law firm, which has stood for 65 years, is determined to provide opportunities for people to participate in sport. With that in mind, Watsons is sponsoring the […]

July 5, 2023
66 reasons to celebrate as Watsons Solicitors hits notable landmark

Harold Macmillan was getting used to life as British prime minister and the world was preparing for the launch of Sputnik 1 when Watsons Solicitors was born on 1 July 1957. Fast forward 66 years to 2023 and the Cheshire-based firm, which has 26 employees, specialises in family law, employment law, wills and probate, and conveyancing. Its […]

June 21, 2023
50 up! Janette celebrates five decades working for Watsons Solicitors

The year is 1973. The Dalai Lama will visit the United Kingdom for the first time, the Sydney Opera House is to open, and the Watergate hearings begin, whilst Paul McCartney is fronting Wings after The Beatles went their separate ways. Meanwhile, in Warrington, Janette Thorniley, will start working at Watsons Solicitors as an office […]

June 6, 2023
What a difference a year makes! Alex completes gruelling ride to raise vital funds

Alex Mitchell emphatically shrugged off painful memories by completing Warrington Wolves Foundation’s ‘300 Bike Ride’ and cruising past her fundraising target. The private client specialist at Warrington-based Watsons Solicitors saw last year’s event, titled Tour de Toon, interrupted by a serious crash that resulted in some nasty injuries. But any pre-challenge nerves were brushed aside […]

Watsons Solicitors

Watsons Solicitors is a trading name of Watsons Solicitors Warrington LLP a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England and Wales registered number OC386012 whose registered office is 13 Bold Street, Warrington, WA1 1DJ.

Watsons Solicitors Warrington LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority number 598547.

Website managed by Outwrite PR, an online reputation management agency
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